Welcome to Climate Change Cheddar

I’m here to bring humor and awareness to climate change while raising money for climate relief efforts. Check out my YouTube channel, shop at our eco-friendly store, read some climate blogs, or check out some climate resources while you’re here!

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Head to our YouTube channel to see our latest videos or catch up from the beginning. Be sure to subscribe to help us grow!

Head to our eco-friendly online store where all apparel is made of organic cotton and recycled plastic bottles, and produced with minimal waste and emissions. 50% of the profits goes to climate change relief efforts.

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Check out our blog for the latest in climate change news, green tech, eco-friendly product reviews, and much more.


Looking for a way to support us while also giving to climate change relief efforts? Visit our Patreon!

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Climate Resources

Browse our list of climate resources and links to websites where you can start or further your fight against climate change, today.

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